Wednesday, 14 August 2013

What is in our brain? That's in our brain!

Hello again.  You all know my name is Paul Robinsons and now we are going to learn about what is in our brain.

What is in our brain?  Nerve cells are in our brain. They also have another special name and that is called a Neuron.  The flowery bit on one end is called a dendrite and the dendrite is connected to the axon.  Neurons connect to each other and they send messages to our brain.  For an example,  say I stubbed my toe and it really hurt. The neurons send the message from my toe to my brain in a flash of lightning.  When my brain gets the message I can feel how sore my toe is and I scream like a ladyman!  I'd call my mummy or someone, or I could just go and put a bandaid on and squeeze my toe to make it feel better because that's what I do.

That's all from Paul Robinsons - owww, my toe!

some neurons connecting together

this is my toe and it's been stubbed!  OWWWW!

Cerebrospinal Fluid

Hello.  My name is Paul Robinsons.
Just today I was talking with Mr. and Mrs. Egghead and I saw which one was like a brain.
We had Mr. Egghead.  We put him in a container and we shook him around, and he cracked.
Then we tried Mrs. Egghead. We put her in a container with some fluid and we shook her around.  She didn’t crack.
Why do you think she didn’t crack?  Well, I can tell you that now. It’s because in our head around our brain there is fluid.  The fluid makes our brain not crack because when our brain moves around in our head the fluid makes it go slow.
Tomorrow I will tell you about what is in our brain.
And that is all.
by Paul Robinsons.

Monday, 12 August 2013

How do plants grow?

The Roots

Roots are like straws because they suck up water.

The Stem

Stems take the water from the roots to the flowers and the leaves.

The Leaves

The leaves bring the water and the sunlight to make food for the plant. This is called photosynthesis.

The Flower

The flower has pollen. The pollen makes seeds and makes the bees take the pollen to other flowers.

Next time, about the Brain!

that's from Ready Rosie